Monday, November 8, 2010

WOW! hello stranger.

oh man!!
its been a while sense i have made a post.
a lot of changes have been going on in my life at the moment, and it seem as if its put my every day routines on hold.
since i have been gone we have put hardwood floors in our front room.
I had a plan ticket to fly to Plano TX for work.
I was laid off at my job with making memories.
Matt bought new glasses.
Oden has been neutered.
Oden is still cute.
Roxy is still pretty.
Matt and i laid hardwood floors in a bedroom at his parents house.
Matt's dad went to the hospital for a ruptured appendix
were poor.
searching for jobs blows!
putting together a portfolio blows!
and after 3 weeks I've only received 1 call back.

looks like everyone got their wish..
were struggling...... now can you wish that were happy again?!?


  1. Sorry to hear that things are rough. Being married does that to a life. Ross and I spent one entire summer in Provo arguing and yelling at each other every night on our walks. People came outside to watch. It was awesome.

    Good luck on the job hunt. I'm going to resign from mine - sorry that we cannot make a switch.

  2. Life sucks sometimes. I feel ya. Sorry you're having a hard time, wish I could help you guys.

  3. who wished you would struggle?! you're going to find a job that is awesome...i can feel it in my bones!
