Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas?... Already?!?!

This year Christmas hasn't been the first thing on my mind.
People are already asking what i would like as a gift.. 
And like every year, i say "I don't know".
The last two years, my parents {well, "Santa"} gets me my perfume, "Daisy" it's the best!! 
I LOVE my perfume, and i LOVE getting it as a Christmas present. 
Last year my dad bought it for me, and he was so cute... he went to the store and picked it out all by himself, and was so proud because he got a free purse, and a gift set with it. When i opened the gift set he was happy to show me everything that was in it, and what it was all for :) 
So back to what i was getting at.... I don't ever ask for much for Christmas... actually.... that's probably a lie. 
As you get older, you ask for fewer things, because those things that you want, just become more expensive. 
When i wake up in the morning and see how much stuff my little sister got from "Santa" I say to myself, next year i will ask for a bunch of little things so that my Christmas looks like hers... hahahaha
But i never do.
Like i said, i guess that's just what happens when you get older. 
Tonight, some one had made a comment about their Christmas list, which got me thinking... 
I should make a Christmas list collage.
So after searching and searching on the Internet this is what i have come up with.
And I'm sure as the days go on, i think of more.. 

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