Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a busy weekend.
My sister-in-law and i went to the Harrisville D.I. {my first trip to this location}
to say the least, we struck GOLD!
Everything we were finding was just perfect! We were there for 3 HOURS!!
I bought:

Pillows to go on my couch
A witches skirt {for halloween}
And a dress.
There were tons of other things that i wanted, but didn't buy because i was making such a large purchase that night. {couch}
A lot of you may not understand the couch...  but i love it! and once i get my house painted and put together, it will look great!

Matt and I had a really big shopping spree.
We started off the day with grocery shopping at Costco. {yikes! if any of you have been to costco on a saturday, you know what i mean} 
Then we went to home depot to buy laminate hardwood floors!! :)

Matt requested the day off to surprise me.
I was so happy, that we were able to spend the day together and that he was able to come hang out with his family up at their cabin!! 
This weekend was great!!

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