Monday, September 27, 2010

Movie Nights

This weekend I watched

Now before you judge because it has Robert Pattinson in it... I think this movie is actually really good.
he's not a vampire!!
That stupid girl, what's her name..... Kristen Stewart, she's the same person in EVERY movie that she's in. I hate it! 
But Robert Pattinson, actually is pretty good in this movie. 
It made me cry in the theater, and it made me cry last night! 

Matt and I tried to watch this movie:

It sucked butt!!!!
we watched about 20 minutes of it.. and we weren't even paying attention that full 20 minutes.
we had to turn it off!!
Booooooo, for this movie!!!!!!


  1. The girl in that movie isn't Kristen Stewart, it's Claire from Lost. I had hopes for her, but no good, eh? I've wanted to watch that movie though, maybe I'll make Brett watch it this weekend.

  2. no.....
    you misunderstood..
    I meant to say Kristen Stewart is a bad actress in all of her movies
    but Robert Pattinson is actually good in this movie..
    you know those certain actors and actresses that are the same person in every roll they play, we'll he didn't play a "vampire" {which is good}
    I was pleasantly surprised!
